Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Shotlist (updated)

Establishing Shot
4 seconds
Paperwork on the desk, in office which is empty. Paperwork signifies his importance.
Medium shot/long shot
2-3 seconds
Shot from outside the room looking in through the window.
Close up
3-4 seconds
Shot of paperwork shows the files he is looking into.
2-3 seconds
Pan of the paperwork and desk shows what the character is doing.
Match on action
3 seconds
Shows a door being opened
Long shot
3 seconds
Shot through the door shows character in suit but no head.
Medium shot
2 seconds
Man sits down and pulls the chair out
Close up
2-3 seconds
Shot of his hands and he pulls the paperwork together in one bundle.
Close up
2 seconds
Character pulls a small bag of drugs out and lays it on the table.
Close up
2-3 seconds
Chopping up the drugs with a credit card or ruler.
High angle
3 seconds
Down on main character as he leans down to take some of the drugs.
Medium shot
3 seconds
Main character leans back slumped over his chair.
Close up
3 seconds
Close up on a hand knocking on the door
Over the shoulder shot
3 seconds
Man hears the knock and scrambles to get paperwork back out.
Close up
2 seconds
Outreached hand ready to shake someone’s hand coming in.
Close up
3 seconds
Student with a law book in their hands
Over the shoulder
2 seconds
Student puts the book down on the pile.
Over the shoulder
4 seconds
Shot shows the student looking at a web page to do with politics
Close up
1 second
Shot of only the screen
Close up
2 seconds
Close up on screen as student comes across picture which has something wrong with it.
Extreme close up
2 seconds
Shock on students face as he has clearly seen something abnormal.
Tracking shot
5 seconds
Student piles the books up and then proceeds to walk out the room. Screen goes dark.


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