Friday, 4 March 2016

How we will attract an audience

Our film is an action film which is related to drugs and a Prime Minister who does not follow the rules. Our film targets people who high teens and young adults and that are excited by an action film like this. Most of our target audience spend a lot of their time using modern technology and therefore our film will include up to date props and clothing. Our character will be in their mid twenties because it is therefore relatable for the audience watching it as they will be a similar age group. The character in our film will be wearing a suit which is smart wear so it is modern clothing again fits in with our target audience.

In terms of location, our film is located in an office which looks presidential which is important as it fits in with the storyline. The first scenes take place on a conference table before it moves to a large hall where we see the main character talk to a large audience. This is a modern political talk so therefore it seems like a modern world problem. The lighting in all of these scenes is likely to be naturalistic.

All of these are appealing and would attract 16 - 24 year old males because it is relatable for them so they would want to see it as opposed to an older film they may not want to see. The main thing that would attract them would be a main character who they can look up to, this involves the hypodermic needle theory as they might want to be like the main character as he is important and could be seen as a role model for them.

Die Hard is an action movie which has a hero main character. This hero is a similar type character to ours but slightly older. This is something that appeals to the age group we target because they will look up to the main character because he is an everyday policeman who gets caught up in trouble and saves the day. This makes the audience feel like it is possible for them to be a hero and they are influenced positively by it.

Rhys Williams

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