Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Independent Research On Film Openings

The film opening (American Sniper) is a drama but has elements of action in it as this was another possible genre we thought of doing as our film opening. It begins with the institutional logo which was mainstream in this case and was a Warner Bros film. Following on from this there are two more institutional logos which come after the main production company. The first title that appears says Warner Bros. Pictures Presents which proves that this production company is the main producer of the film. The last title to appear is the name of the film which lasts for 4 seconds. This is unusual because usually the directors name comes last, this gives us the option to emulate this structure.
 This is slightly longer than any other title because it is the most important. The opening is edited so that each shot is mainly faded into the next one as a transition however there are occasional cuts. This is simple and the editing is slow paced in this opening. Throughout the opening scene there are a variety of shots used such as low and high angle shots as well as a tracking shot used to follow the tank and some of the other vehicles to make the audience feel as if they are there. Mise en scene is seen to be the usual generic conventions of an action for example there is military uniforms and guns seen within the opening, setting the scene of a normal film.

The purpose of analysing this film opening was to gain further knowledge on how film openings work and their structure. We were able to have more practice on how title sequences work and we can now clearly identify key generic conventions and codes that are appropriate to our chosen genre.

Rhys Williams & Sam du Berry

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