Sunday, 3 April 2016

Moodboard of the look of our audience memebers

This picture represents a large portion of our target audience due to the fact that a target audience are within the cinema going age. 16- 24 years old is the cinema going age and our film is mainly targeted towards teenagers and young adults therefore, this image shows that cinema goers are likely to be included in our target audience.

The image shows a male dominated audience as our film genre (Action) is usually associated with or targeted towards males. Generic conventions of Action are usually appreciated more by males however, this genre can be enjoyed by both genders.

This image shows a teenage dominated audience within the social cinema going age category. This is the most common age to go to the cinema which is why these young adults are within our target audience.

This picture shows the expression on our audiences face as they watch our film opening. It portrays a shocked face as generic conventions of action show a lot of exciting things, like violence and fights. This person is also in our target audience as he is a male over the age of 18.

Sam du Berry & Rhys Williams

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