Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Location Scouting

The first room we went to have a look at was this office which belonged to the head teacher of a school. We felt the advantage of this office was that it was relatively big and had a large conference type table. There was also not much on the walls so it was quite clear. The disadvantages of this location were that the things around the room were very unsuitable props which would not fit in our storyline.

The second office we tried we immediately knew would not work because there was too much irrelevant items spread across the room but there was also no big tables in the room. There were no advantages to using this location in our film opening.
The next room we tried was very simple and small and looked quite like an office our type of character would have. The advantages were the props fit in with our storyline with the phone and folders but also lockers/safe to the side makes it look like official things could be locked in there. The disadvantage of using this room would be the fact there wasn't a big table or enough desk space to really be someone who fits in our storyline. They would need a bigger table or desk in order to look more important.
This room was much like the last room in the fact it was a small and simple desk. The advantage of this room is that it was fairly clear and there was a computer so it looked quite good however the same disadvantages as the last room meant it was too small and there wasn't a big enough desk or conference table to do it at.

Rhys Williams And Sam du Berry

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