Film openings are made so that the audience will want to see the rest of the film because they have been enticed by the opening however they are made so that the viewers do not get too much information and therefore want to carry on watching in order to find answers to their questions.
Most of the time film openings want to start with an establishing shot in order to give the audience an idea of location, time of day and the time period the film was set in (past, present or future). This shot is required because it gives them that little bit of information about the film before we see anything else. Another key part of film openings in order to attract the audience is the sound used. It needs to be exciting sounds that are not dull but it also needs to fit the genre well so it doesn't look out of place.
Film openings can attract audiences by giving them small pieces of information from mise en scene and character. The generic conventions are important in an opening because people want to see the right props and lighting in order to recognise the fact it is a film from that particular genre. Characters are important because some people go to see a film due to the actors that are in it and therefore they will want an introduction to the big names within the opening. There are also generic conventions that relate to characters and people want to see characters that are typical for that genre, for example an action film has a hero and people want to see these characters done well in the opening as it gives them a short introduction to the storyline.
Rhys Williams
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