Monday, 29 February 2016

Our Film Certificate

The film certificate we have chosen to give our film is a 15 rated. Our film is a drug related action movie which contains explicit content and numerous references to illegal activity. For these reasons I believe it warrants more than a 12 rating because there are too many inappropriate references however an 18 rating would be too high for this sort of common action film.

The BBFC say that you can view the following things within a 15 rated film:

  •   strong violence
  •  frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
  •   portrayals of sexual activity
  •   strong verbal references to sex
  •   sexual nudity
  •   brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  •   discriminatory language or behaviour
  •   drug taking

Our film features many from the above list but nothing more inappropriate than that which is why we feel 15 would be the right category for our film. There are limits to how much these categories can be shown but they are relatively high.

The film being rated 15 would also be our ideal choice as the target market we hope will watch the film are from this age group and up. The common social cinema going age is from 16-24, these would be our main target of people who regularly go as a social event. The age group is perfect for our certification as anyone from that group can watch it.

One of the most recent action films to come out was called Deadpool which had a $55-60 million opening weekend and was rated 15. This film has a similar level of inappropriate behaviour and was successful with its age rating as it could gather a larger target market. 

Sometimes people do not go to see a film because the rating is too low and they feel it wont be as enjoyable because it is suited to younger viewers and therefore it puts them off the film, this is one of the reasons why a 12 wouldn't be our desired category.

Rhys Williams

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